
 Bence Tóth

Bence Tóth

I was interested in photography since my childhood, especially nature photography. During my physics studies at the university I became more and more interested in astronomy, within that the theories describing our Universe, searching for the asnwers how it became into existence and how it is working since then. These two interests met in 2019 when I started astrophotography. This hobby than brought many new challenges and experience into my life. As an engineer I am also interested in the technical details of the equipments used to create the astrophotos - I like to modify / improve the stock solutions or the build something new from sratch to improve the quality of my pictures. My main interests are the deep sky objects, which I photograph using traditional RGB, and also with narrowband filters.

Some text would look good here.


Balázs Ujvári

Peter Walter

Péter Kiss

József Tóth

Gábor Vincze

Dr. Emil Kiss

Mihály Varga

Tibor Marcsik

Dávid Szabó

Krisztián Fekete

Tamás Kelemen

Zoltán Buczi

Zsolt Paragi

Mihály Snajder

Yvonne Gyenes

Antal Cserna

Balázs Böröczki

Bertalan Kovács

Optikus Horváth Tibor

Balázs Dabóczi

Dénes Kaszab

Zorán Szubotin

Gábor Nagy

László Kozma

Leaders and Founders

Dr.  László Francsics

Dr. László Francsics


 Iván Éder

Iván Éder

Vice-Chairman and founder

 Péter Feltóti

Péter Feltóti

Vice-Chairman and founder

 Flórián Vámosi

Flórián Vámosi


 Adrien Klamerius

Adrien Klamerius

Board member and founder

 Patrik Tarczi

Patrik Tarczi

Board member and founder

 Csilla Tepliczky

Csilla Tepliczky

Board member and founder

 Gábor Tóth

Gábor Tóth

Board member and founder

 Álmos Balási

Álmos Balási

Board member

 Bertalan Kecskés

Bertalan Kecskés

Board member

 Imre Gyenes

Imre Gyenes

Chairman of Supervisory Board

 Lionel Majzik

Lionel Majzik

Member of Supervisory Board

 Zoltán Bach

Zoltán Bach


 László Bagi

László Bagi


 Marcell Csőke

Marcell Csőke


 András Papp

András Papp


 Rafael Schmall

Rafael Schmall


 Zoltán Tobler

Zoltán Tobler


 János Varga

János Varga


It would probably be good to write something here as well.