
Dr.  László Francsics

Dr. László Francsics


László Francsics is an architect, Doctor of Liberal Arts, internationally awarded astrophotographer, and the chairman of the Hungarian Astrophotographers' Association. He was born in 1984, he lives and works in Budapest. He received his MA from Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE). In 2009 he also completed the basic course of astronomy at Eötvös Loránd University. He founded his own architectural practice with his wife in 2018. Besides architectural design and part-time teaching at BUTE, he also creates architectural photography for design journals and magazines. His work oscillates between astronomical and artistic photographs. László has studied for a long time the relationship between man and the cosmos.

In 2009 László was the curator-assistant of Space Impression national astrophotography exhibition organised in the Hungarian House of Photography. Since 2013 he has been the columnist of the 'Astrophoto of the Month' of the Hungarian Astronomical Association's journal and co-author in the Globe magazine of the Hungarian Geographical Society, currently a regular writer of two columns on astrophotography. In 2018 László was elected chairman of the newly founded Hungarian Astrophotographers' Association and organized several meetings, conferences and two grand annual exhibitions of Hungarian astrophotography in the Hungarian National History Museum.  

László Francsics has been awarded several times for his work. He received the winner prize of the Architectural Photo Award issued by the Association of Hungarian Architects in 2012. The best of his astrophotography was displayed in a solo-exhibition, Treasures of the cosmos in the Hungarian Natural History Museum in 2015. In the past 7 years he won category prizes of the Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition five times, and he was the overall winner in 2019.



Some text would look good here.


Nándor Nagy

Bertalan Kovács

Tibor Marcsik

Zsolt Gáspár

Mihály Varga

Attila Szalai

Sándor Kispál

Péter Kiss

Dr Attila Zsarnóczay

László Dudás

István Oláh

Henrik Benedek Wieszt

Dávid Szabó

András Balogh

Krisztián Fekete

István Kollár

Tamás Mester

György Radnai

Tamás Kelemen

Béla Bánhidi

Ferenc Rózsa

Balázs Zsigmond

Róbert Misi

Roland Büki

Leaders and Founders

Dr.  László Francsics

Dr. László Francsics


 Iván Éder

Iván Éder

Vice-Chairman and founder

 Péter Feltóti

Péter Feltóti

Vice-Chairman and founder

 Flórián Vámosi

Flórián Vámosi


 Adrien Klamerius

Adrien Klamerius

Board member and founder

 Patrik Tarczi

Patrik Tarczi

Board member and founder

 Csilla Tepliczky

Csilla Tepliczky

Board member and founder

 Gábor Tóth

Gábor Tóth

Board member and founder

 Álmos Balási

Álmos Balási

Board member

 Bertalan Kecskés

Bertalan Kecskés

Board member

 Imre Gyenes

Imre Gyenes

Chairman of Supervisory Board

 Lionel Majzik

Lionel Majzik

Member of Supervisory Board

 Mátyás Szűcs

Mátyás Szűcs

Member of Supervisory Board

 Zoltán Bach

Zoltán Bach


 László Bagi

László Bagi


 Marcell Csőke

Marcell Csőke


 András Papp

András Papp


 Rafael Schmall

Rafael Schmall


 Zoltán Tobler

Zoltán Tobler


 János Varga

János Varga


It would probably be good to write something here as well.