
 Flórián Vámosi

Flórián Vámosi


Florian Vamosi (2000) astrophotographer, Co-Founder and CEO of Ultimate Waterprobe. Involved in Astrophotography since 2015.
His interest in science and astronomy started at the very young age of 6, when he got his first telescope and astronomy books. He used to be an undergraduate physics student, but currently studies Commerce and Marketing to fulfill the needs of his company.

Awards and Achievements:

2016, Lomography "Waiting Game" Long Exposure Photography Competition Runner-up (StarTrails over Drenje,Croatia)
2016, "For The Talented Youth" Scholarship fellow
2017, Astrophoto Exhibition at the Mihaly Tancsics Grammar School of Kaposvar
2017, "For The Talented Youth" Scholarship fellow
2017, MOL Talent Support Program Scholarship fellow
2019, 28th National Youth Competition for Science and Innovation 1st prize("Automation and Remote Control of Astronomical Telescopes for a Global Asteroid Survey")
2019, Hungarian Participant of the SIYSS

Some text would look good here.


Tamás Mester

Szabolcs Baglyas

Zsolt Ágoston

Dr. Sándor Kovács

Attila Rostás

Kristóf Vágenhoffer

Tibor Tóth

Optikus Horváth Tibor

Ákos Takács

Zoltán Krizmanics

Yvonne Gyenes

Bence Papp

Béla Bánhidi

László Dudás

Tibor Nagy

András Gombocz

Tamás Csefkó

Zorán Szubotin

Sándor Biliczki

Gábor Galambos

Balázs Dabóczi

István Varga

István Molnár

Pál Lipták

Leaders and Founders

Dr.  László Francsics

Dr. László Francsics


 Iván Éder

Iván Éder

Vice-Chairman and founder

 Péter Feltóti

Péter Feltóti

Vice-Chairman and founder

 Flórián Vámosi

Flórián Vámosi


 Adrien Klamerius

Adrien Klamerius

Board member and founder

 Patrik Tarczi

Patrik Tarczi

Board member and founder

 Csilla Tepliczky

Csilla Tepliczky

Board member and founder

 Gábor Tóth

Gábor Tóth

Board member and founder

 Álmos Balási

Álmos Balási

Board member

 Bertalan Kecskés

Bertalan Kecskés

Board member

 Imre Gyenes

Imre Gyenes

Chairman of Supervisory Board

 Lionel Majzik

Lionel Majzik

Member of Supervisory Board

 Zoltán Bach

Zoltán Bach


 László Bagi

László Bagi


 Marcell Csőke

Marcell Csőke


 András Papp

András Papp


 Rafael Schmall

Rafael Schmall


 Zoltán Tobler

Zoltán Tobler


 János Varga

János Varga


It would probably be good to write something here as well.