
 Attila Dezső

Attila Dezső

That was long-long time ago.. I was around 6-7 years old when started to interest for astronomi. After it I did not have any chance for some serious equipmnet, and also some other life chalenges. Around 7-8 years ago comes back this interest, than I did one of my dreams: I made a telescope mirror, and built a dobson style newton. That was the time when strated to interest for astrophotography. First only the moon in direct focus. 2 years ago i bought an SW 80/600ED with EQ5 mounth and step by step going deeper in astrophoto. (unguided-guided pictures, dslr without modification, and astro mod after.) This is where i am now. The future plans: Cooled CCD camera, and step up a bit in diameter: some 150 newton or maksutow newton.

Some text would look good here.


Máté Kiss

Balázs Ujvári

Optikus Horváth Tibor

Roland Büki

Dávid Benő

Andor Lénárt

Zoltán Krizmanics

Gábor Jelinek

Bertalan Kovács

Péter Borovszky

Ferenc Rózsa

Gábor Galambos

István Tepliczky

Zoltán Buczi

József Lázár

Márk Huszáros

Bálint Boros

György Soponyai

Antal Cserna

Tibor Králik

Zorán Szubotin

Balázs Mezei

József Zoltán Hajnal

Zoltán Panik

Leaders and Founders

Dr.  László Francsics

Dr. László Francsics


 Iván Éder

Iván Éder

Vice-Chairman and founder

 Péter Feltóti

Péter Feltóti

Vice-Chairman and founder

 Flórián Vámosi

Flórián Vámosi


 Adrien Klamerius

Adrien Klamerius

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 Patrik Tarczi

Patrik Tarczi

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 Csilla Tepliczky

Csilla Tepliczky

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 Gábor Tóth

Gábor Tóth

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 Álmos Balási

Álmos Balási

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 Bertalan Kecskés

Bertalan Kecskés

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 Imre Gyenes

Imre Gyenes

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 Lionel Majzik

Lionel Majzik

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 Mátyás Szűcs

Mátyás Szűcs

Member of Supervisory Board

 Zoltán Bach

Zoltán Bach


 László Bagi

László Bagi


 Marcell Csőke

Marcell Csőke


 András Papp

András Papp


 Rafael Schmall

Rafael Schmall


 Zoltán Tobler

Zoltán Tobler


 János Varga

János Varga


It would probably be good to write something here as well.