It would probably be good to write something here as well.
Attila Dezső
That was long-long time ago.. I was around 6-7 years old when started to interest for astronomi. After it I did not have any chance for some serious equipmnet, and also some other life chalenges. Around 7-8 years ago comes back this interest, than I did one of my dreams: I made a telescope mirror, and built a dobson style newton. That was the time when strated to interest for astrophotography. First only the moon in direct focus. 2 years ago i bought an SW 80/600ED with EQ5 mounth and step by step going deeper in astrophoto. (unguided-guided pictures, dslr without modification, and astro mod after.) This is where i am now. The future plans: Cooled CCD camera, and step up a bit in diameter: some 150 newton or maksutow newton.