It would probably be good to write something here as well.

Álmos Balási
Board member
Álmos Balási (1962), Budapest, MSc.Electrical Engineer - Economist
Photography is a tradition in my family. I learned the basics of analog b&w and color photography and laboratory techniques as a child. My father, a physics teacher, introduced me to the mysteries of astronomy early on. We were frequently scanning the night sky with small refractors, but had no means to capture what we saw. GoTo did not exist back then, so we spent long hours searching for celestial objects, with more or less success, which made me give up pretty quickly.
In 2019, a dear friend of mine visited our countryside cottage and held a telescope demonstration. The location has ideal conditions for skywatching. The conversation soon made me realize that this could be a hobby that would make my childhood dream come true. I found it a perfect fit, as it combines my personal interest with my technical knowledge in photography and image processing. So I dug into the topic right ahead.