Bok globules in IC1848

Astrophoto of the month - December 2022 - Bence Tóth

Jupiter and Io with the Half-Meter Community Astrograph

Astrophoto of The Month - October 2022 - SAA -HAA collaboration

Rosette in narrowband

Astrophoto of the month - September 2022 - Péter Feltóti


expanding membership

3.110 images

in our gallery

4,1 days

days until New Moon

"Hungarian astrophotography is a unique, diverse and extremely high quality activity in the world, which represents a national value according to a sophisticated and accepted system of values. It was created and developed not by one person, but by a long, dedicated and complex pioneering work of members  of a community that requires in many cases a whole person and enormous sacrifices. That is why it is necessary to create an organization that protects and supports the values ​​of Hungarian astrophotography, which guards the cleanness and diversity of this creative activity, provides support and protection for creators, and  facilitates the promotion of astrophotography and the starry sky."

Just over a decade ago, a new opportunity to observe the sky opened up in our country, which soon lead to a revolution in astrophotography. During this time, countless dazzling shots were made thanks to the persistent and committed work of Hungarian astrophotographers. And since 2012, no year has passed without the results of a Hungarian astrophotographer being awarded in an international competition. The development is constant, and the community behind it decided that after a decade the time has come to form the organization that supports their work and unites their community, Hungarian Astrophotographers' Association, which is the first national astrophotographic organization in the world.

We thank the 14 founding members for their persistent work in laying down the foundation of this official and recognized collaboration. Their person is the guarantee that the diverse and nationwide movement of astrophotography will be represented in the organization as completely as possible.

The Association has set a number of tasks on its flag, among them the efforts to create a community, to present the works of astrophotographers, to raise the Hungarian astrophotography to international status, and last but not least to define the genre framework and ethical principles of astrophotography and to build an open knowledge base.

What is astrophotography about?

Would like to you turn your camera toward the sky, or are you not satisfied with the experience of looking into a telescope and want to see a more detailed and more colorful image of the universe? In this case, you also have a place among astrophotographers! Astrophotography is, in fact, nothing more than extension of the abilities of our eyes, making the phenomena of the night sky, and thus the depth of the cosmos available to all those who undertake this demanding yet wonderful activity rich in experience and beyond imagination.

For more details, click here